Sunday, 1 November 2015

Sandcastles on a Lonely Shore

Water rocks through the substance of our dreams in rolling waves, rippling through grey matter in fluid streams of blood and plasma that scrape it flat, layer by layer, first a distortion, and then a memory.

I sit on the shore. It always begins with me clawing at the sand, shaping it into eddies. A single finger can plow a line through the sand. Several can turn a field. A wrist can morph dunes into canyons. A heavy palm can lend swift, unnatural erasure.

Once comfortable with the tool, and with the material, we begin to build. The imagination follows on naturally from a validity of structure, and then expresses it as a metaphor.

How are castles built?

Castles are built by huddled masses, for lonely gods who need a seat from which to rule.
The masses need roads. A source of water. Walls to keep others out, and to keep them in. Aesthetics, and adornment.

Why is the castle?

To focus them. To give them a purpose for existing, in a world of sand and water. Only in a world of sand and water.

There are only worlds of sand and water.

Endlessly working, until the inevitable comes, and the shapes you strove to make are rendered obscure by the restless tide, and you exist no more. This is the life of those on the shoreline.

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about imagination, and hallucination. I’d be quick to say there was a time when the two were practically inseparable in my mind. But, as years get on, there is a clear pattern in that hallucination seems more common, and imagination seeps to its nadir. The two are similar in this way:

Both hallucination and imagination are perceptions independent of external stimuli.

 A hallucination appears to have the qualities of Physicality, while not undergoing a chain of physical causality that would lend it true existence. An image is conjured up from the mind and transplanted upon Physicality, existing as a picture drawn on clingwrap and held up over the physical world. Imagination implies an awareness of falsehood. Hallucination implies a misidentification as truth.
The hallucination and the image are said to diverge at a point we label control. The image is something controlled, because we can consciously direct it. We can banish it if it displeases us, and we are aware of its transitory nature. It is said than thinking of the past and thinking of the future inspire very similar thought patterns, as both are a means of perceiving something that exists outside of stimulus.

By rote, the hallucination is an uncontrolled manifestation of the subconscious, uncontrolled by the opposite qualities to those we provided to the image: it cannot be banished at whim, it cannot be adapted by thought, and the thinker is unaware of its nature as a hallucination.

Yet there are places where the imagination borders dangerously close to hallucination, especially in youth. Is a young child at all capable of banishing the notion that the slightest bump in the night or passing shadow is a monstrous visitor? Much like the builder of the sandcastle, doesn’t the builder need to prescribe to certain basic laws of logic in order for their image to hold integrity (can a sandcastle be a castle if it had no walls or form, but pure embellishments of stray seaweed and shells on a flat shore?), and because of this, is there not a core ideal of an image beyond their ability to shape?

We can rest on the most sturdy case, being that a hallucination is something we are unaware of; while an image is something we are at least uncertain of at any point in its existence. It’s a thin line – an important one, but a clear and determinate brink.

Is hallucination any more real than imagination? No: both are varieties of the unreal, and therefore just as unreal as one another.

 Yet, while both are unreal, we tend to declare that hallucinations feel more real than images – their reality has a higher probability.

Why should probability play such a big role?

This is due to the misdiagnosis of reality as a certainty. We automatically train ourselves to recognize the empirical as truth, and the formally presented as canon. We are indoctrinated to function in this way to such an extent that when exercising metaphysical uncertainty; we consider ourselves to imagine that our senses are wrong (thinking, “What if this isn’t real?”), rather than sense that our environment is imaginary (“What would indicate this is real?”).

Reality is never certain. Even the seemingly most solid component of it – our scientific understanding of physicality – shifts from decade to decade to incorporate the addition of information. There is no canon outside of the rational: only theory, so that we know that our established reality can be overturned should evidence which disproves it come to light.


Thus established, castle-building becomes a much clearer practice. If image and hallucination were placed on a spectrum, ‘uncertainty’ would sit between them as a measure of how easily they are misrepresented as real.

If the declarative intent of the castle-builder can be said to form a castle out of nothing, keeping their material something constant which is so because it is destined to be swept away by the ocean (sand, water, bits of flotsam and weed), then the rule of efficacy is in how much their creation transcends its material. How much something shifting, uncertain and transient can hold to the illusion of reality. Castle-building is, in its own manner, the way in which substance moves from Image to Hallucination.


I sit on the shore, watching my tireless work liquidate before my eyes as the sun sets deep purple. The archways fall, the grand chapel is swept until only a molten core remains. The joke is, it’s the physical things that disappear. All that’s left of the sandcastle on its lonely shore is my own memories of how it rose and fell, its arcane and elemental history that spread across the sand. All that’s left is the firm image of something that may have mattered, and my own stronger sense of how to make such images appear more real, every time I trace my hand though the sands.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

A Liberal Adaptation of Little Bunny Foo Foo

Little Bunny Foo Foo
Went hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
and bopping them on the head

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said,
"Little Bunny Foo Foo
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
and bopping them on the head.

I'll give you three chances,
And if you don't behave, I will turn you into a goon!"

“Wait, a sec, Good Fairy,” said Little Bunny Foo Foo,
                “What gives you the moral authority
                to dictate what I do?
                I like to hop through the forest
And bop the field mice on the head
                It’s oh so very fun, so very fun to do!”

“Bunny Foo Foo, I’m the Good Fairy,” she said.
                So what I tell you to do is good to do too!
                Now I’ll give you three chances, and –”

“But by what mechanism
Do you derive your goodness?
Was it assigned to you from birth,
or did the Queen Fairy give it to you?”

“Look, Little Bunny Foo Foo,
We live in a complicated ecosystem,
Composed of numerous interlocking species,
Living in symbiotic harmony.
If you go around bopping field mice,
                It can radically alter that ecosystem
And later come back and bop you
in unexpected ways.
                You need to think really carefully about what you do,
and how your actions affect those around you
and do things that alter the ecosystem
Only in a predictably beneficial way.
I’ll turn you into a goon.
For the stability of the ecosystem.”

“Okay then,” said Little Bunny Foo Foo.

And the very next day...
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Went hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
and bopping them on the head.

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said
“What the hell, Little Bunny Foo Foo?
I explained this whole thing yesterday
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up all the field mice
And bopping them on the head!”

“Yes, I thought about that,” said Little Bunny Foo Foo
“And it occurred to me that bunnies and field mice
Eat the same food
So we’re competing for the same resources.
The most beneficial way to improve my ecosystem
Is to scoop up all the field mice
and bop them on the head.”

“Little Bunny Foo Foo,
You’re neglecting the fact that
Field mice are more valuable resources
Than all the food you can eat.
Aside from manual labour,
They are capable of abstract thought
and problem-solving
and the more thinking minds there are in the world
The more likely it is there will be advances in medicine
and industry
and agriculture,
Which can dramatically increase the quality of your own life
and of the ecosystem as a whole.”

“Oh,” said Little Bunny Foo Foo. “I guess so, yeah.”

“So, Little Bunny Foo Foo,
I’ll give you two more chances,
and if you don’t behave –
I’ll turn you into a goon!”

And the very next day...
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Went hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
and bopping them on the head

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said,

“Fuck it, Little Bunny Foo Foo.
Look at all these bopped field mice!
Didn’t I just explain why you shouldn’t
Scoop up all the field mice,
and bop them on the head?”

“Yes, but...”

“but WHAT, Bunny Foo Foo?
What could you possibly have thought of now?”

“Well, Good Fairy,
It’s just that there are so many field mice,
and so little food in the forest,
Most of them are so hungry they can hardly think
Of medicine, or agriculture, or industry,
Or any of those cool things
You want them to do.
I thought maybe if I just scooped up
A few hundred of the field mice
and bopped them on the head
There’d be enough food for all the others,
To think of ecosystems, instead.”

“Little Bunny Foo Foo,
You are dealing with rational, thinking creatures.
You don’t need to scoop them up,
and bop them on the head.
Encouraging a world where we solve our problems
By scooping up the field mice,
and bopping them on the head,
Is no different to a world where a Fairy comes along
and turns bunnies into goons
Without explaining why their behaviour isn’t good,
and giving them guidance, and an intelligent moral framework
To choose what they should do.

Just talk to them.
Here, take this pile of Planned Parenthood brochures
and advocate your support for sustainable growth models,
which aren’t solely focused on the accumulation of life,
but also the quality of that life
through the pursuit of personal identity,
as with the LGBTQ+ community
and stress the importance of a career, and of knowledge
above the prestige of family and romantic relationships,
As scholars, geeks, and adventurers do.

“Well,” said Little Bunny Foo Foo.
“I guess I can try that.”

“You have one more chance, Little Bunny Foo Foo.
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up all the field mice,
and bopping them on the head.
If you do it again, it’ll be because you’ve chosen
To do something wrong, when all the guidance I can provide
Is letting you decide what’s right.

And the very next day...
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Went hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
and bopping them on the head.

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said,

“Well, Little Bunny Foo Foo, I told you
I don’t want to see you,
Scooping up all the field mice,
and bopping them on the head.

I gave you three chances.
I explained why you shouldn’t bop the field mice,
and you still did it,
Time and time again.”

Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Burst into tears.

“I gave them the Planned Parenthood pamphlets.
I explained that they could live freer lives,
That they didn’t have to starve,
Or suffer
I told them that life didn’t have to be about making baby mice
That they had a choice, but...
They said:
‘It isn’t Good.
It isn’t Good to bop pregnant mice in the tummy,
or use contraception.
It isn’t Good to separate sex from reproduction,
or to love differently to how we’ve been told.
It isn’t Good to denounce evolution through a selfish gene,
in favour of a symbiotic ecosystem.
It isn’t Good to use medicines that can save your life,
If they change a world that keeps changing anyway
It isn’t Good to be happy,
Happy isn’t right unless it comes from doing what you’re told.’
I asked why

And they said,

‘Little Bunny Foo Foo,
We don’t want to see you
Talking to all the field mice,
And messing around in their heads!
Or we’ll turn you into a Goon!’

                They couldn’t answer.
                They wouldn’t change.

                So, the very next day...”

“I get it,” The Good Fairy sighed.
“Little Bunny Foo Foo,
                It comes down to this:
                You grew up among the field mice
                What you are capable of,
Great good and great evil,
You learned from them.
The ability that you have
For rational thought
is either unique,
or something that exists
in all thinking creatures
just waiting for a Good Fairy
– Or a good Bunny –
                To help it along.

I gave you three chances.
                I gave you three choices.
                And you chose each time,
                To deny that the field mice
                have the capacity for rational thought.
You’re alone in the world,
                Little Bunny Foo Foo.
                You’re a no good bopper.
                You’re a Goon.”

“But they made me into this,” said Little Bunny Foo Foo.
                “They didn’t listen.
                They weren’t thinking creatures
                They weren’t ever going to help the ecosystem,
                Make medicine or industry or any of it.
                So why not bop them
                If it would mean more food for thinking beings?”

“What ‘thinking beings’?” the Good Fairy said.
                “You, Bunny Foo Foo?
Every day you go running through the forest,
Scooping up field mice,
and bopping them on the head.
Is that ‘clever’?
Is controlling mice’s thoughts
the same as thinking?
Because in a world of thinking creatures,
A Goon like you is the thoughtless one
Scooping people up, bopping heads
and declaring what’s good
Without letting goodness be a choice.
When the mice understand that,
you’ll be lucky to have a Fairy
To come and tell them
there’s another way.”

“Go on then, ‘Good’ Fairy,” said Little Bunny Foo Foo.
                “I didn’t do what you told me to.
                I did what I thought was right.
Turn me into a Goon.”

“No-one can turn you into a Goon, moron.”
                “A goon is something your choices make you
When you forget how to behave
While you’re trying to make everyone else behave.”

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Discursive Essay: Doctor Who S8.05 - Time Heist

The Time:            2000 + some more years

The Place:           Karabraxos Bank

The Situation:   Starlight Robbery


Skip to the TARDIS picture if you don’t need a recap.

The Doctor and Clara are discussing an adventure. The Doctor answers his phone, and ends up in a room with Clara and two other members of a team who have been enlisted in a bank heist. A mysterious ‘Architect’ gives them vague details about the heist. Their memories have been wiped, but there is a recorded message which lets them know they have consented to the wipe. They have little choice but to carry on with the heist.

Their team (Team Not-Dead) includes:

  • An augmented cyborg named Psi, an expert hacker who has to deal with ‘dry glitches’. Facing interrogation in prison, he deleted his own memories to protect his friends and family. For robbing the bank, he is promised a reboot drive that can make him regain his memories.
  • A shapeshifter named Saibra. Her mutant genes force her to transform into anyone who touches her, making it impossible for her to be intimate with anyone without being freaky. For robbing the bank she will receive a gene suppressant that allows her to touch others without triggering her ability.
  • Clara, a ferocious high school English teacher from the planet Earth. Seriously though, if you don’t know the kind of shit she deals with on a day to day basis, watch Skins and you’ll have some idea. Undoubtedly one of the toughest explorers in outer space.
  • Last and certainly not least, The Doctor, an enigmatic Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. He is face-blind and has cross eyebrows. An egomaniacal needy game-player.

As soon as the heist starts, they are introduced to The Teller, an imprisoned alien with mind-reading and mind-eating capabilities. The Teller is commanded by the bank’s manager, a cheery sociopath named Delphox, who is acting under the orders of the bank’s director, the eponymous Karabraxos. The Teller is the reason Team Not-Dead has been memory wiped: it uses its mind-reading ability to sniff out guilt in the bank’s patrons (who are career criminals, and must therefore be guiltless in their own minds if not in reality), and then crushes those who pose a threat to the bank. The only safety from this introspection is to lose self-awareness (Don't Think).
Team Not-Dead is led through the bank, placing faith in the plan of the Architect. They are provided with an ‘exit strategy’ (assumed at first to mean a lethal poison) and with the select information and tools which the Architect provides. The Doctor takes charge, and conducts the mission with his usual grumpy charm.

“Underneath it all, he isn’t really like that.”
“It’s very obvious that you’ve been with him for a while.”
“Because you’re really good with the excuses.”
~Clara and Psi

The first time they face The Teller in the vault it hones in on Saibra, who has the greatest ‘guilt’, or as it may be termed, ‘Self-Hatred’, which has its basis in to her mutant nature. She uses the exit strategy to avoid becoming a semi-conscious soup bowl.
The Teller pursues them as they sneak their way through the lower levels of the vault. It finds Clara and starts to attack her, but Psi saves her by way of self-sacrifice. This is important because Clara is a relative stranger, and he still values her life more than his own, which is a second example of Self-Hatred. Psi uses the exit strategy to avoid becoming a soup bowl.
When they encounter an obstacle that can only be breached during an unpredictable solar event, The Doctor determines that the Architect must be in the future, planning the heist at a point vulnerable in the past. They recover the reboot drive and gene suppressant before they are captured by Delphox and The Teller. Delphox reveals that she has assured The Teller’s loyalty, claiming that everything has its price.
Psi and Saibra are revealed to be alive, masquerading as guards. The ‘exit strategy’ was really a teleport device that takes them to a ship in planetary orbit. The team continues on with the heist, toward the private vault in Karabraxos’ office.
Karabraxos is revealed to be a tyrannical ruler of a criminal empire, cloning many ‘Delphox’s from her own genes to act as her managers, replacing them when they fail her.

“She hates her own clones. She burns her own clones. Frankly, you’re a career break for the right therapist.”

The Doctor hates the Architect, and this gives him a clue to the Architect’s identity: as someone overbearing, manipulative, and far too clever, he suddenly realizes that he is the Architect. He has been plotting the course of the whole episode.
More, he realizes that the one with the greatest motive to act against Karabraxos is Karabraxos herself, as she is self-hating, and in the future she has come to regret her past. He gives her his phone number. The Karabraxos Bank faces imminent destruction from the solar storm, and Karabraxos leaves.
In the far future, she calls up the Doctor to act against the part of herself she hates the most – the part that imprisoned The Teller by threatening to kill the one other of its kind still in existence.

Meanwhile, in the past/present/future, The Teller scans The Doctor and doesn’t destroy him. Its telepathy lets him see the memories erased at the beginning of the episode, and The Teller realizes that The Doctor has come to set it free.
The Teller releases its companion and escapes the bank with the Doctor and his team. He drops them off on a solitary planet, and sends the team home.

The theme of this episode rests solidly on trans- states, and judgement as it exists through Self-Hatred and Self-Love.

Self-Hatred: The Transformation
“Would you trust someone looking back at you out of your own eyes?”

This concept is much less scary than it first sounds. All the main characters in the story except The Teller have their self-hate pointed out to some degree:

  • Saibra hates herself because of her nature, how she was born a mutant.
  • Psi hates himself because of his circumstances, which made him give up his memories.
  • The Doctor hates himself because he acts as an officer, giving orders to others which he himself won’t follow.
  • Clara hates herself because of her nurture, as she sees herself slowly becoming like The Doctor.
  • Karabraxos hates herself because of her own imperfection, and because her aspiration for perfection consumes her.

In all these instances except one, the characters successfully manage to externalize their hatred. This means that they have severed one part of their identity from their active self with the intention of destroying it:

  •  Saibra separates her identity from her body.
  • Psi separates his identity from his amnesia.
  • The Doctor separates the ‘officer’ identity of himself from the ‘soldier’.
  • Clara separates her identity from The Doctor, hence her pivoting love/hate for him – and the pivoting love/hate for herself which prevents The Teller from locking onto her thoughts.
  • Karabraxos doesn’t. She is truly self-hating, meaning that she cannot separate her faults from her central self. Thus, she destroys her whole self by implementing clones, and destroys part of herself (the decisions she made) by implementing time travel.

In the practice of Self-Hatred, it is important to pinpoint what is being selected for the active, hating self, and what is being externalized as the passive, hated self. For this the nature of ‘hate’ need be divulged:
Put simply, ‘hate’ is an inseparable species of judgement. When a person loves something, it means that they recognise its worth, and feel pleasure at attaining its value. Hate is the concordant opposite – to recognise worthlessness, and feel pleasure at being rid of it.
So it can be said that what hates is what judges, the part of identity that is aware of value, and pursues worth.

In the case of Karabraxos, constructive hatred is impossible because what she actually hates is her poor judgement. She makes terrible, superficial choices, locking herself away in a vault with stolen treasures, enslaving and controlling the beautiful and unique rather than seeing it thrive, and devoting her administrative talents to the protection of thugs and criminals. In Karabraxos’ case, Self-Hatred feeds a self-destruction to which the only release is true death.

In the case of Team Not-Dead, however, the effect is the reverse. They actually see their judgement as the best part of themselves, and arrange their identity according to its dictations. The amnesiac state they find themselves in is included to intensify this, and to establish judgement as a sort of ‘soul’: a higher existence deprived of their immediate worldly identity (their choices). Self-awareness is an awareness of their motives and judgements; they instead have to base choices on something beyond identity, what might be called their own Self-Esteem. Four Karabraxos clones wiped of their memories and placed in the same situation would never make it to the heart of the vault, even should they have the same abilities as Team Not-Dead – they would lack the self-esteem to judge the situation correctly, trusting neither themselves nor those around them.

What this teaches is that there is a very important difference between ‘Self’ as Judgement and ‘Self’ as Identity. Identity is fluid – facets of identity actually exist in one of three states, which are called Ultra-, Trans-, and Cis-:

Ultra- (Latin, ‘The Far Side Of’) is a state in which everything that encounters this facet of Identity is expected to conform to it. This is a state adopted by extremists, often those who hold together an identity by force, as Karabraxos does by militantly ruling over her bank and its management.
It isn’t entirely forceful, and isn’t always nonconsensual. An Ultra- may simply believe that all identity will conform to their own in time as a matter of rightness. But they’d be an asshole to say as much every time they met you.
It also encompasses the idea that facets of identity ‘pull’ toward a certain alignment. Karabraxos, who is Ultraggressive, may find that other facets of her identity become trans- in an attempt to exemplify that ultra- state. Suppositionally (and only as an example) she may become transmedicated in the search for medication that lets her control her body. She may also be considered something along the lines of ‘transingular’, in that she is attempting to produce perfect clones of one genetic reality.
The Doctor is predominately an Ultra- outside of this episode. It’s probably why he’s manipulative, meddlesome and controlling. He’s a special kind of Ultra-, though: one that exists as a counterforce to other Ultra-s. This kind of Ultra- action is seen as acceptable – even admirable – more than any other: if someone uses force on ‘the far side of’ identity, it requires someone on the opposite end of the spectrum, also a ‘far side’, to maintain balance.

Cis- (Latin, ‘The Near Side Of’) is a state in which an Identity is consistent with a judgement of worthwhile values. Cis- can be seen as an end-state to a facet of personal Identity, if an end-state is even conceivably possible.
In its regular sense, the term ‘cis-’ relies on an external judgement on the combinations of facets that are ‘normative’, which is to say they are aligned to reflect with the values of other facets that relate to them (or are seen to relate to them). The most common example of this is in sexuality and gender: we presume Clara is a woman, and the cisgender relative to this is ‘female’. But, ultimately, a completely regular sense of the cis- notion establishes permanent ideals of norms based on external judgements, not on internal, self-motivated judgements. In an internal, individual sense, a person may only feel the value of the ‘symmetry’ of their facets when they do not resemble the external cis- model at all; their parts are only ‘on the near side’ of one another when they are in a state that external judges would call ‘trans-’ (which implies a state of change). This is why those who are comfortable with their identity but still outside of ‘normative’ structures are labeled differently from other cis- types, as ‘queer’.
Cis- is often mistaken as a sign of sound judgement or concrete self-esteem, but is actually more than often a sign that people believe they cannot possess the values they deem worthwhile, or that they are incapable of judging a way in which they might more fully possess their identity.
This episode doesn’t deal with Cis- characters, but rather with characters attempting to attain internally valued Cis- identities.

Trans- (Latin, ‘To Go Beyond’) is a state in which an Identity is inconsistent with a judgement of worthwhile values. Trans- is the state we find Team Not-Dead in; they are all there to change a facet of their identity to something they value, and are all in a process of personal and actual struggle.
It is important to note that not all struggles for the attainment of a valued identity are the same, even though they are trans-. This can be because of actual physical barriers, but also because of immense social pressures.

For example, in this episode Psi is the closest interpretation of a Cis- character: he has been something he values, and he has had his cis- identity before. He doesn’t want to become something new, he wants to recover what he was in the beginning. No-one objects to this, they all believe it is a good, ‘brave’ decision.

Saibra on the other hand is the closest interpretation of a trans- character who is likely to be identified by others as queer for the remainder of her life: the group automatically questions her decision, believes she is wrong for ‘not accepting herself as she is’, and sees her choice as one more cowardly in ‘running away’ from her birth identity.
They are both trans-, but there is a double standard in the way they are perceived. This mainly has to do with direction – it’s always easier to go with the flow than against it, to remain what people expect rather than change.

So: ‘Self’ as Identity is fluid across Cis-, Ultra- and Trans- states. The episode shows this by having its characters quest for a different identity, and attain it.

But what about ‘Self’ as the vital, judging, ‘soul’ part?

Karabraxos is our interpretation in this case, as the one whose soul is inherently flawed. Right up until the end of her life, we see her lashing out at her whole self, not at externalized facets of her identity but at the rational, judging part of it that makes consistently bad decisions: at the identity’s managers. It’s not lazy writing, that both the bank and the villain share the name ‘Karabraxos’. Her character is locked in a continuous struggle to manage herself.
She does at least try to change the quality of her judgements at the end, and the method chosen is Remorse. Remorse in its truest sense is to go back on one’s decisions, to seek not to change the identity, but the soul. To reassess one’s values is the purest form of guilt-driven self-destruction. And yes, it is possible to hate the soul, and let it liquefy and become something better. But when you love it – when you have self-esteem – then it is very solid indeed.

Self-Love: The Tale of the Teller(s)
The story of the Tellers is told so that at the end, the message of Self-Love (not like that) is pulled into the spotlight, where Self-Hatred has been dancing all the while. It’s important to note the anatomy of the Teller, particularly its stalked eyes. In the process of mind-crushing its victims, its eyestalks twist so as to look at one another, symbolically an indication of Self-Awareness. In this act of reflection, the Teller itself survives while those around it are scoured for guilt (self-hatred) and are destroyed should they reveal any. The idea behind this is that, juxtaposed, the perfection of one thing can cause the destruction of the facets around it, just as it does with Ultra- states. This really just says that existence requires love, which seems a pretty obvious conclusion. The trick is that change requires hate. If a person is forbidden to hate, they can’t change. If they are stuck as something they can’t love, they can’t exist. Which is a cultural example of a viral reaction called lethal aggression, and the very basis of ‘Normative Culture’.

 The Tellers walk into the sunset as the only two of their kind left in existence, practically mirror images (Cis-), accompanying themselves down into an Eden as a united Judgement and Identity.
The message is that in the end, having split yourself into Subject and Observer, you are two of a kind that never was and will never be again.
Appreciate yourself. Set yourself free. Do whatever it takes, to make sure Self & Self remain united.

The Architect: The Doctor as Transitive
This episode integrates very well into the arcing parable of officers and soldiers, and Clara’s slow evolution into an equal of The Doctor. This is because within the theme of self-hatred, the ‘Soul’ and ‘Identity’ form the same kind of dualistic relationship as the ‘Soldier’ and ‘Officer’.
The Soul, as a sense of judgement and value, is sibling to the Officer (the Governess, the Superego, the Ideology). It is Directive – a moral conscience which tells people what they should do. It should not be mistaken for something inherently rational, or declared inferior if intuitive (there are good intuitive thinkers, and bad intuitive thinkers). It may tell a person that their world is wrong or their body is vile without explaining why, and without that explanation the rest of the identity is still expected to follow along.
The Identity, as an amalgamation of characteristics and decisions, is the Soldier. It is Active, following the plan devised by the directive Self. This means that it has to deal with all the rules of the game, dig the proverbial trenches and face the reality of the decisions the Soul makes. The Directive part feels love and hate – the Identity feels strife and pain. Sometimes without even knowing why.

“I still don’t understand why you’re in charge.”
“Basically, it’s the eyebrows.”
~ Psi & The Doctor

In the planning phase of the break-in, The Doctor strategically manages the plan as himself, a united Soul and Identity. He is not one or the other.
In the execution, he must follow the plan as a different person, not his unified, Ultra- self, but one whose Soul and Identity have entered an unaligned, Trans- self state.
During the execution he is forced to be the Soldier, or ‘Identity’. He isn’t party to any of the reasons behind his identity, or the Officiated decisions made by his Soul. He still has his judgement, but its only available choice is that of any soldier: to follow a commanding officer, or reject it. He can’t see the full picture, which means he risks judging wrongly at any point. This is the root of his self-hatred: he is a curious person who wants all the details. He’s been denied all the details by the Architect. Therefore, he hates the Architect for denying him the curiosity that is his identity. But the judgement he trusts – what pulls him along – is his own self-esteem. He knows from the recording at the beginning of the heist that he chose to undertake it as a willing participant. He trusts himself, even though his identity – curiosity & control – has been compromised.

Tower Mythos?
There are certain clear distinctions I’d immediately draw between this episode and elements of The Tower Mythos, most particularly the ‘Wizard of Oz’ interpretation. In it we have our tin man (Psi, the cyborg who deleted his heart), a cowardly lion (Saibra, who has claws and would not use them), a brainless scarecrow (The Doctor, removed from his own rationale) and of course Clara as Dorothy, our unifying protagonist. Karabraxos is naturally our wicked witch (or witches, as it may be), and the bank – practically a gold brick depository. The Architect may be interpreted as the Wizard, as he is a shadowy figure who promises to dish out hearts, brains, and courage to those who do as he says.

This is distinctly Tower Mythos because it deals with anti-heroes: ones who hate themselves throughout the story in the course of unifying what they have constructed in their mind with what actually exists in the physical world.