Tuesday 11 October 2011

From the Desk of Saris Saryoni

The character creation was just the beginning. As fun as it was, it was many months before November when I went all mouth-foamy and paroxysmal and stopped being able to concentrate on anything else but TES. That isn't a very good thing for a writer. We need to keep our skills sharp with constant acts of witticism and literary flamboyancy if we wish to float above the tide of 'normal people' and attain a point of godlike verbiage.

So I took things further. Just to experiment a little bit, I wrote two letters from Saris Saryoni explaining his adventures.

A letter from Saris Saryoni to the Esteemed Mage Suruliin of Sumerisle


It has been a long while since I last heard from you, and I was worried one of your experiments had gone awry. I received your letter only recently (myself being otherwise indisposed. Mournhold has not fared well since the Argonian occupation, as one might expect.), and have only had the opportunity to reply at this very instant, having had to practically barricade myself in my father’s old study to earn myself these singular moments. I hope you are keeping well. Your research appears to be having more promise than my own, at least. Please find your copy of ‘Liminal Bridges’ enclosed within the package. While it was certainly an interesting read, I fear hurling myself into a whirlpool isn’t exactly the most practical way to go about exacting my vengeance. I am almost ready to consider it... it has been too long. 
I still see her face, you know. Whenever I close my eyes she is waiting for me. You know of my particular studies, and I must tell you that they do not help matters in the slightest. Souls are only bound to one another by very particular events – births, deaths, oaths – but not by unfulfilled love. I have spoken to my own ancestors as far back as the Merethic Era, and yet she eludes me. I know what you would suggest at this and I must point out that I have considered it, and if it is so, it makes my vengeance that much more essential.

I probably tire you with this banter, and I apologise. You asked if you could stay in my home when you next visit Morrowind, and my answer is most certainly ‘yes’. It will be a pleasure to see you again old friend, though I fear our paths will not cross for longer than a few days. I myself have an adventure brewing. Perhaps you remember Caelorn, the bosmer I shared a term paper with at The Arcane University? He has just returned from Skyrim with the most amazing stories. He has up until recently been a resident of the Arcane College of Winterhold, where he tells me an unusually clever nord has received a grant to make further study into Oblivion Gates, and is looking for eye witnesses to help him piece things together. This could be the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. I will hold off leaving for Winterhold for as long as it takes for you to get here and settle in, but then I must be going. There’s promise to this one.

Moon & Star guide you,



P.S. Will the Spectre who is reading this please hurry up and pass on my letter. Couriers are slow enough without accommodating your pointless interference.

A Letter to Irayn Ulys, Tribunal Faithful

To Irayn Ulys

The news that I have departed in your absence may come as something of a shock to you, but I am confident in your ability to adapt to the change. You have been of great service to the temple and to myself over the past year, Irayn, and it will not be forgotten. I have put forth my personal recommendation that you uptake my old post at the temple. I hope this is what you wanted when you first volunteered to assist me.
Your road ahead will be long and difficult, but I know you will hold fast. Remember the three virtues always; Mercy, Mastery, Mystery, and do honour to your ancestors by their practice. Though my own place in the temple has never rested on solid ground, I have come to feel at home among its acolytes and teachers, as I hope you will, too. These are difficult times for our religion, and ALMSIVI needs as many loyal servitors as possible. Hold the line, watch and wait, and tomorrow may be a brighter day.

I have left for Skyrim in the hopes of righting a wrong done against a dear friend of mine. Please watch over my mother while I am gone. I will send word from Winterhold when I am able.

Your friend,

Saris Saryoni


So that was straightforward. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. So I have about forty pages of Saris' travel journal as he makes his way into Skyrim.

I think it's pretty darn good, too.

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